I love fashion. I read several fashion and style blogs when I can (only the funny or unique style blogs, not the run-of-the-mill magazine blogs), and I own oodles of books on fashion, famous fashion designers from long ago, the history of fashion, fashion ads, fashion illustrations, etc. I used to tear out pictures and ads from Vogue or Harper's Bazaar and tape them to my walls just to remain inspired for upcoming shopping trips (until I realized that taping pictures to the wall will pull the paint from the wall, then I used thumb tacks, until I realized they leave holes in the walls. Now I just leave the pictures in the magazines and dog-ear the pages), even if I know I can't afford the Jimmy Choo shoes.
I get so excited just thinking about shopping trips that it isn't uncommon for me to dream about these trips for days. I sometimes plan strategies for my shopping excursions: do I tackle sweaters or dresses first? Pants and skirts next? What about shoes? Shoes require a special trip alone. Upcoming shopping trips can also spark a full-on case of anxiety in me, but I just take some pills and continue onward.
There are so many fashion bloggers out there, some good, some boring, some ridiculous, many with terrible grammar, and I'm not going to pretend to be one, but I'm so excited about a purchase I made at a vintage store two weeks ago (thanks to Tanya for finding this store!!) that I have to write about it. You see, it has been a while since I've perused the racks of a vintage store, and to actually find a great buy, something I'm more than excited about, well, I'm all aflame.
My find? I'm so glad you asked! A vintage faux leopard short coat (not a true pea coat, but close). It is in amazing condition, and it doesn't smell like moth balls or stale pee (like many vintage items can). No kidding.
I've worn my new coat a few times and I feel like a 1960's fashionista prowling the streets. OK, maybe not prowling exactly...how about strutting or strolling?
Anyway, here's hoping everyone has a fashionable day wearing whatever makes you feel grand (yikes, that sounds like a fashion blogger to me...somebody stop me).
--Fortuitous Observer