It's Five for Friday! Five melodious words not used nearly enough in everyday conversation:
Lascivious (for my friend Jenn, if she is reading...wink, wink).
Pulchritudinous - I think I actually used this word once.
Somnambulistic - I chose this word, not just because it is beautiful, but because Poseidon and I are attending the Dead Can Dance concert next week (in Nashville, TN at the acoustically sound Ryman Auditorium!). What does that have to do with anything? I'll tell you. Somnambulistic appears in the lyrics to my favorite Dead Can Dance song, "American Dreaming." When I first heard those lyrics years ago, I had no idea what that word even meant, so I looked it up. In a dictionary.
Chicanery - this is Poseidon's (my pulchritudinous husband) contribution to my list. I'm almost positive I've heard him use chicanery more than once, most likely directed at me and something I got caught doing did.
Mephistophelean - As a society, I don't think we use Faustisms as often as we could. That is all.
--Fortuitous Observer