On a trip to New Orleans, 1993ish, I encountered something so disturbing it will never be erased from memory. Not ever.
My then boyfriend and I were in the elevator of our hotel, heading in to drop off some crap we bought, before our walk around the French Garden district. We stood next to each other in the elevator, and a man and his son got on at the same time, standing against the wall opposite us.
Neither of these people said a word as they stared down at their shoes, but as soon as the elevator doors closed and started its climb, this cretin boy, drew back, and hocked a ball of spit across the elevator...where we were standing...missing my head by only inches.
I was in shock! The little bastard (who was maybe 10 or so), and his father, the big bastard, just stood there, watching his spit slide down the mirrored wall like an incoming train. My boyfriend was horrified. Speechless.
The simpletons got off on the next floor, without saying one word, and boyfriend and I were left in horror. Outrage. We couldn't even exchange, "Oh.My.God's" with each other. I didn't want to believe that a kid could be that barbarous. He was (probably still is...in prison).
I bring this up because some coworkers and I witnessed a landscaper spit into a large container garden during lunch today and we were all in agreement that this was just gross. I know people (and by "people," I mean disrespectful deviants) spit in public, and it dumbfounds me more than it should, but sometimes when I see it, I'm blown away at the spectacular rudeness of it all. Still.
Maybe I'm just jealous because I can't/won't spit in public? I'm envious of those degernerates who just.don't.care. They can let a ball of spit fly in the wind without a second thought about its final resting place. That is it...I must be jealous because I know I wouldn't be good at spitting in public, and any lame attempt I make to do so will end with spittle running down my chin, not the tacky mirrored elevator wall or a tourists head. The uncouth have better aim.
--Fortuitous Observer