Vanity plates perplex me. I find them irritating and curious at the same time, and in May, I wrote about some of the more memorable tags I'd had the pleasure of getting stuck behind. I typically don't jot these down right away, meaning, if they are truly memorable, I will, well, remember them. Like these:
This will probably go down as one of my all-time favorite personalized license plates: MANISH. Now, I didn't see this plate until the car had passed, so I don't know if the driver was a man or a woman. Either way, it doesn't matter. Either way, it doesn't flatter. I truly did not intend to make that rhyme, but it worked out that way.
PIXL8ED - I hate to admit that It took me a few minutes to get this, but when I did, the geek in me smiled.
10SNEONE - This driver wants everyone to know he is available for a tennis game with, "tennis anyone" but after figuring this one out, I suddently remembered a line from Rosemary's Baby where Mia Farrow was swinging the chain on the amulet, the amulet that the crazy satanic neighbors gave her, filled with tanas weed (tanas turned out to be an anagram for satan), and she jokingly said, "Tanas, anyone?" I don't know why I remember such triviality, but there you go.
This plate puzzled me -- BGOMER -- until I looked at it through the lens of logic and just decided it is probably just the driver's name, B. Gomer, but when I first read the tag, I thought it might be, "be Gomer" as in the driver wanted to be Gomer Pyle. Maybe he does. Nothing wrong with Gomer.
BADKNEES -- My eyes are still rolling over this tag I saw during my morning commute today, but it did trigger some great ideas for my own personalized license plate. Here is what I have so far: NEWROTIC (with a 'w' instead of a 'u' just to be clever), ILUVRTHRITS (probably too many letters), DPRESSD, ACNEROOLS, _ITIS (this will let the driver behind me decide what my ailment is), and NACOMA.
Am I the only one fascinated by vanity plates? I would like to think I'm not uniquely dull as dishwater.
--Fortuitous Observer