This could very well be one of the more difficult decisions I've ever had to make. The decision to shut the cats out of our bedroom at night after 13 years of attachment parenting. I've spoiled my cats from day one, and I know I have no one to blame for the neediness I've instilled in them, but moi.
Last week, we began the heartbreaking routine (heartbreaking for me...blissful for Poseidon) of closing our bedroom door at night, forcing Kwinn and Kat to sleep elsewhere in the house.
Why, after 13 years, do I do this? Simple. My sleep has become ever more restless, and my little furry babies are partly to blame (eh, ok, mostly to blame). If they wake up, and want attention, they bite me, or swat at me until I wake up and pet them. Being awakened from deep REM sleep by a couple of four-leggers biting my cheek is not cool, but again, I've allowed this behavior to develop over many years, and I always respond by petting them and cooing at them. They KNOW this. It is now problematic because their demands for attention have progressed aggressively, and something had to be done.
My heart was breaking the first few nights, but the cats seem to have adapted better than expected, and I have been sleeping more soundly. I know this has affected Kwinn much more than Kat because he is the epitome of a "mama's boy." He will eventually be completely over having to make due with one of his many blankets (aka girlfriends) downstairs. Kat, she is probably over it already. As long as she gets her food, she cares not where she sleeps, and trust me, she can sometimes find the oddest of sleeping spots. Truth be told, they immediately handled this better I did.
I'm very happy I finally decided to do this...if for no other reason than to make Poseidon stop declaring me "p-whipped."