Partnerships dissolve everyday and for many reasons. My reason for initiating the Diet Coke/Amphitrite dissolution? It was simply time...oh, and:
1. Panicky trips made to the store on Saturday mornings when I realize I have no Diet Coke in the house, and I just know the clerks at Kroger are shaking their heads in shame at my addiction, are no longer fun.
2. Poseidon giving me that futile forlorn glance each time I open a can of "Devil Juice" (his pet name for Diet Coke), not to mention the eye-rolling, is no longer fun.
I've been mad at Diet Coke in the past, but never enough to kick it to the curb, completely (there was this one try, but it was half-hearted and I didn't really put in the effort). Honestly, I've been perfectly happy chugging down little cans of chemicals for years without questioning why, but I just decided to stop. Not cold turkey, hell no! I began weaning off Diet Coke two weeks ago. Last week I was down to 1 little baby Diet Coke per day.
Sunday, I had 3 baby Diet Cokes left in the fridge. I drank them all that day, and that was that. I didn't even waste time with a sentimental, "I'm going to miss you old friend" sob fest on can number 3.
Today is day 4, post-dissolution, and I'm not even missing my captor friend, D.C. so I fully trust I won't implode waiting for withdrawal symptoms to pass (I've had none), and I'll move on quickly with little to no scarring. An added benefit: I no longer have to endure emails from Poseidon, laced with links to fake articles about Diet Coke turning to formaldehyde in the body.
Again, partnerships dissolve for a variety of reasons. Sometimes things just don't work out. I lost interest. Keep it real, D.C.